GEAC FX series

General Construction

Job Costing for Contractors

Generate information on every facet of costing such as labor, equipment, material and sub-contractors. Compare actual cost to the job estimate using a breakdown as simple or as complex as you need, including projected final and unit costing. Stay informed as the job changes, all relevant information is continually updated to the job cost module. Produce current management reports as often as you need them. Set up and record even the smallest service jobs quickly and easily and produce timely billings. Track holdbacks and improve cash flow.

Geac’s Job Cost application report generator, allows you to design custom reports at various levels of detail - for example, a breakdown of labor as it compares to the original estimate. Determine labor costs for each job immediately. A montly cost report provides greater detail with a breakdown of all costs incurred as compared to the estimate.

• Job Cost
• Equipment Control
• General Ledger
• Accounts Payable
• Accounts Receivable
• Inventory Billing
• Purchase Order
• Work Order
• Payroll
• Subcontract Payables

Heavy Construction

Aggregate/concrete suppliers and heavy construction contractors, are in a competitive business which demands accurate, timely and current information. From ticket billing, to job costing, to equipment control, the right integrated system will improve construction productivity. Efficiency can mean the difference between profit and loss.

Combined with the Geac Commercial Systems accounting modules, the UserBase Billing & Haulage package typically includes:

• Job Cost
• General Ledger
• Equipment Control
• Accounts Payable
• Accounts Receivable
• Scalehouse Ticket Entry
• Office Ticket Billing
• Quotation System
• Subcontract Control
• Hired Truckers Module
• Payroll

Geac Home Builder

Version 8.1 of the Geac Homebuilder system provides a totally integrated accounting system designed to provide the most timely costing information available. In the Home Building Industry costs fall into two basic categories: costs directly attributable to a specific lot, and those costs related to a general project expense. The proper collection and analysis of these costs is just one of this products many strengths.

Today's homebuilders are in a competitive business which demands accurate, timely and current information. From homebuilder costing to construction payroll, to after sale service. The right integrated system will improve construction productivity. And help to insure proper collection and allocation of lot and general project costs. This alone can mean the difference between profit and loss.

The Geac Homebuilder Construction Management System offers fully integrated modules, designed by professionals from the construction management industry. The modules include in addition to the standard accounting modules are:

• Project Management
• Lot Processing
• Scheduling
• Subcontracts/Purchase Orders
• Model Estimates

Once options, the following modules are now part of the 8.1 standard Homebuilder package:

Buyer Options & Upgrades System
Provides the user with the means to keep track of the information concerning a purchaser’s choice of options for a lot. Automatically prices options, creates PO's and integrates with the standard homebuilder costing modules.

Customer Service System
Enables user to record and track buyer’s service requests and complaints. It will also record and track work orders to contractors or suppliers for the work needed to address the service requests.

Regular Purchase Order System
Allows creation and editing of purchase orders of purchases outside the Subcontract/PO system, such as purchases of appliances or office equipment.

Buyer Management System
Provides the ability to track all information needed to develop and sell lots in a housing project. It tracks such things as detailed buyer information, waiting lists, deposits and payments, inspections, and inventories.

Job Scheduling System
Designed to track the construction schedules for all lots and to produce Draw Requests for lending institution

Property Management

The Geac PM System is designed to assist property managers and accountants in the day-to-day operation of the properties they own or manage. Structured to address single or multiple companies with one or more properties, the system consists of an extensive set of programs developed for ease of use combined with the utmost in reporting flexibility.

Fully integrated modules, designed by professionals from the property management industry include:

• Lease Management
• Unit Management
• Retail Sub-system
• Recoveries & Escalations
• General Ledger
• Accounts Payable
• Payroll
• Financial Reporting

UserBase Club Manager

A fully integrated solution to meet the unique requirements of the Club Management Industry. The Club Manager is designed to provide that ‘competitive advantage’ for management. It will help improve administration and tracking allowing for increased efficiency in managing club operations. By optimizing important components of your business such as minimum monthly members billings, your cash flow and other management operations can be streamlined saving both time and money.

Features include membership database, chit processing, minimum billings, automated billings,member statements and sales reporting by category and sales areas. All fully integrated with the Geac FX base accounting modules.